Docker Tips n' Tricks - Bash Things With Docker

If you use Docker frequently, you’ve likely memorized a few repetitive commands…

docker-machine start XyZvirtualMachine

Then you run…

docker-machine env XyZvirtualMachine

…and then you type…

eval $(docker-machine env XyZvirtualMachine)


10. March 2016

Researching & Learning About Zookeeper - A Guide

I’ve started working with Zookeeper. Since I’ve started doing that I’ve put together this blog post. It’s aim is to provide a structured approach to learning Zookeeper and researching the elements that make its features tick. Along the way I have a few call outs to people that have also provided excellent talks, material, or contributions to learning about Zookeeper along the way. With that, let’s get started.

Zookeeper is a consensus system written based on ideas presented via consensus algorithms. The idea is key value stores that keep all of their data in memory for read heavy workloads. The qualities in this context present a system that is highly consistent, with intent for access from distributed systems to data that won’t be lost.


02. February 2016

All That Tech SitRep - Elastic Meetup and Quote Center Updates

Quote Center

I started working with the Quote Center (QC) back in November, and wrote about it in “After 816 Days I’m Taking a Job!“ Now that I’m a few months into the effort, it’s sitrep time. Sitrep, btw is military speak for

S ituational R eport.

The three core priorities I have at Quote Center in my role are: Community Contributions, Site Reliability, and Talent Recon.


26. January 2016

Docker Tips n' Tricks - Using Vmware Fusion

In this article I’m going to cover a few steps in getting started with VMware and Docker instead of the default VirtualBox and Docker. The basic prerequisites for this are:

  • VMware Fusion >= v8.x VMware Fusion 8.1.0

  • Docker Toolbox w/ Dockershell-script$ docker --version Docker version 1.9.0, build 76d6bc9


02. January 2016

Elasticsearch, Beats, and Learning in Portland

Recently I attended the Elasticon Tour Stop in Seattle with @thebigscaryguy & the Elastic Team we have at the Home Depot Quote Center. I have always dug Elastic Search a bit and after the tour stop & some research I was very interested in Beats too. After that we decided we’d help to kick start the Portland Elastic Meetup again. So I reached out, as usual, via twitter first for a pulse on interest.

I got some immediate interest in a few tweets from @WardCunningham @tweetcaco and others that made me think, “yup, definitely something worth pursuing!

Next Steps…


18. December 2015

Not Totally Done with 2015, But...

I was sitting hacking away on my ride into work (I ride the bus/train so I can get a solid hour of work in before I ever get to the office). I was dorking around with a bash script I’d recently written that was taking the place of a file watcher.

At the same time I was toying around with keywords and such on a watcher that watches twitter, and stumbled onto @poornima’s tweet.


16. December 2015

Elasticon Tour 2015 in Seattle

Today is the tour stop of the Elasticon Tour that swung into Seattle. Myself and some of the Home Depot Quote Center team headed up via the Geek Train for the event. We arrived the night before so we could get up and actually be awake and ready for the event.

Just to note, a good clean place to stay, that isn’t overpriced like most of Seattle is the Pioneer Square Hotel - usually about $110-120 bucks. If you’re in town for a conference, sometimes it’s even worth skipping the “preferred hotels” and staying here. But I digress…


03. December 2015

Using the File System fs.* with Node.js

I have a few basic tasks that I need to perform on the file system with Node.js. I’m going to clone a repository into a directory, but before that, if the directory that the clone action will put the repository in exists, I’d like to do something with that directory first. To check for the existence of the directory I quickly found two functions that work well for this purpose.


23. November 2015