Kafka & Visual Studio Code & OSS... Distributed Consensus & Things to Learn
A Few Streams to Learn From: Apacha Kafka!
Here I am in the middle of Qcon SF, about to enjoy the “Demystifying Stream Processing with Apache Kafka“ talk with Neha Narkhede @nehanarkhede. The background on this talk is rooted in Neha being a co-founder of Confluent.io, with co-founder Jay Kreps of Karka co-creation fame. Neha is providing a fundamental talk on the insight and usage of streams across distributed systems.
#Qcon "Demystifying Stream Processing w/ Apache Kafka" w/ @nehanarkhede pic.twitter.com/zgR2H87xVn
— Λdrøn (@Adron) November 18, 2015
Docker Tips n' Tricks - Gettging Rabbit MQ Running
There are a few clean ways to get started running RabbitMQ with Docker. The easiest is of course just to grab the Kitematic UI and pull the repo and start it. However, here are the actual commands to get the Rabbit MQ started from the command line.
docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 dockerfile/rabbitmq
If you want persistent shared directories, then make sure to run the command like this.
docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 -v <log-dir>:/data/log -v <data-dir>:/data/mnesia dockerfile/rabbitmq
Now that the instance is up and running, you can get to work playing around and using RabbitMQ on your new docker container.
Docker Tips n' Tricks - Delete All The Images & Containers
Two simple commands that’ll wipe your installation clean of images and containers.
Deletes all containers
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
Deletes all images
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
After 816 Days I'm Taking a Job!
The new mission, or as some may call it, a job! The context for those that might not be familiar with my adventures is that I’ve been working independently as a consultant, contractor, community builder, beer drinker, hacker, teacher, trainer, mentor, curriculum builder, and training content creator. The last time I held something that resembled a job was 560 business days ago, or more specifically 816 days ago. Honestly, I’m not even sure that it could be considered a job, it was a strange gig to say the least. Recently after this long break I’m taking up a new job position with some interesting objectives and priorities.
DevDay 2015, Inspiration, and a quick look back...
So far this year, which is obviously nowhere near finished yet, I have had some amazing experiences. From .NET Fringe, Polyglot 2015, Progressive .NET Tutorials 2015, to Dev Day 2015 and more. I decided to add a little bit more of a personal note in this blog entry because of inspiration I just got from Michał Śliwoń (@mihcall) on his Dev Day 2015 Aftermath write up.
Just as Michał writes,
“Inspiration is like a spark. It can be one brilliant presentation at the conference, one sentence at some session, one hallway conversation with another attendee and I’m excited, coming back with a head full of new ideas. Every conference has this little spark”
and I completely agree. At .NET Fringe I got back into a few things on the .NET CLR stack, namely F# and a little toying around with Akka .NET and micro-services using those technologies. I also had a hand in organizing and the origins of the conference, which I wrote about. At Polyglot 2015 my desire increased to become more familiar with and comfortable with functional programming languages. At the Progressive .NET Tutorials I was again inspired to dive deeper into functional languages and take a look more closely at everything from Weave and other container and virtualization based systems.
Devday 2015 Wrap Up
I was going to write something, but these tweets really summarize and show the fun had at Dev Day really well. Cheers!
Start using document database today with #jsonb type in #PostgreSQL https://t.co/82KXAjIVka by @robconery at #ABBDevDay
— Kamil Lelonek (@KamilLelonek) September 18, 2015
A Small Rant About Being IDE-Dependent
{Sort of a Rant}
I recently saw this tweet.
You can't create a project in visual studio code? This seems like an odd decision
— gregyoung (@gregyoung) September 15, 2015
I responded with this tweet.
@gregyoung yeah, projects being a tightly coupled dependency to the IDE needs to be ripped from the minds. #yeoman
— Λdrøn @ ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (@Adron) September 15, 2015
Now I need to describe some context around this response real quick. Here are the key points behind this tweet from my context in the software development industry.
Don't Learn to Code, That's Just Nonsense... Learn Instead!
I keep reading post after post after post. “Learn to code”, “Everybody Should Learn to Code”, “In the Future Everyone Will Need to Know How to Code, Learn Now!”, and so many more. I’m going to point out a few very important tips to life. These tips are especially important when it comes to programming, or NOT programming.
__4 "CD Is Working, Let's Get a Site Live with Loopback!"
Since it has been more than a few weeks let’s do a quick recap of the previous posts in this series.
Introducing the Thrashing Code Team and Projects - Know who’s working on what and what the projects are.
Getting Started, Kanban & First Steps for a Sharing App - Getting the kanban put together and the team involved.
Starting a Basic Loopback API & Continuous Integration - Getting the skeleton of the API application setup and the continuous integration services running.
Going the Full Mile, Continuous Delivery - Here the team got the full continuous delivery process setup for ongoing development efforts.
In this article of the series I work with some of my cohort to get initial parts of the application deployed to production. For the first part of this, let’s get some of the work that Norda has done into the project and get it running on the client side.