I Want a Go Service
In the last post, I put together a quick Go CLI that took some flags and acted upon each of the flags. So today, instead of a Bowing 777 I’m aboard Amtrak Cascade’s service to Portland (from Seattle) aboard a Tren Articulado Ligero Goicoechea Oriol, or Talgo Train.
Traveling in comfort is an unbelievably great way to get some coding done. It’s easy to disconnect form interruptions (albeit there is internet access, but just enough, not to much) and just get some coding done. Mission: Put together a service that has a basic response for a request, with some message. There needs to be a root response of the service, but also a response from one or more URI end points.
I Want a Go CLI
I sat in seat 20B on United Airlines Flight UA 949, enjoying the roominess of the Boeing 777 in service on this route between London (LHR) and San Francisco (SFO). At this time I decided it was time to hack together a Go CLI Project.
Mission: Create a Command Line Interface (CLI) that takes some flags, basic user input, and prints out something.
Marketing Obliviousness of DevOps, WTF is Site Reliability
Recently I started researching what people think DevOps means. What it was originally intended to mean and how ridiculous it is to actually see it in a job title. On the flip of that, since one of my titles was actually “Site Reliability Engineer” I started looking into what is perceived to be the roles of that job. This article is my findings, in full unconstrained wording, about the absurdity of one as a title and the specifics of the other.
Enterprise Open Source Anti-patterns
Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV (That’s this article).
In the first part of this series I kicked off writing about how we created a manifesto at Home Depot. This is something I’d strongly urge anybody that is helping to lead an enterprise toward open source efforts. The second part focused on tactical tools used with open source software development. I’ll be adding more to the tools conversation a bit later in this series. Then in part three I delved into some of the positive cultural characteristics of a team working on open source projects.
In this part of the series I want to share a few thoughts on some of the anti-patterns that came up in the process. These are specific hurdles that continue to afflict the efforts, and range from a general disturbance or an outright conflict with efforts.
Enterprise Open Source Cultural Characteristics
Part I, Part II, Part III (That’s this article), Part IV.
My friend Glenn Block @gblock contacted me via Twitter and we discussed some of what I had discussed in the previous post. He brought up some good points and I realized there were a few points I ought to bring up regarding what I’d previously written about.
Let's Talk Tactical Tools for Enterprise Open Source
Part I, Part II (That’s this article), Part III, Part IV.
In the first part I wrote about the Enterprise Open Source Manifesto that was written up for Home Depot’s open source efforts. In this part I’m going to tactical some of tooling & cultural characteristics that came into play.
Holy Shit Watch Out for That Enterprise Open Source!
Part I (That’s this article), Part II, Part III, Part IV.
This blog entry is going to be the conjoined events of open source work at Home Depot, enterprise open source in general, and the ideas and punch lists for a talk I have coming up in London on open source enterprise practices. So this will be a hard drifting whirlwind, buckle up!
The Curse of Windows Server & Windows Server 2016 Salvation
Over the last year I’ve worked with Home Depot, specifically the Quote Center Group, strive forward toward a better future. Yeah, that sounds a bit campy, but seriously. I started with three core objectives, which I wrote about previously.
- Community Contributions
- Site Reliability
- Talent Recon
I’ve been able to help with each of those things over the last year, with more progress being made on some than others. Right now, I want to delve a bit into the adventure of site reliability at Quote Center. First off, I had the honor of being first guard for Quote Center in the realm of site reliability. I had a lot to do just to set some groundwork on what that position really meant. In addition to the other two roles, err, priorities, it was like taking a job that would have three roles rolled into one. For this article though, I’m going to write about specifically the site reliability and what I did to get some practice and culture around the notion of site reliability at Quote Center.
The first thing, was simply to write out some ideas about what this would involve. Here are a few of my original questions that I scribbled on the matter.
Home Depot Wrap Up and Job Talk
First, I will be available with a possible start date of November the 28th. I’m currently wrapping up some big projects and completing training for the Home Depot Team and the great progress we’ve made over the last year. If your company is looking for someone with my mixed array of technical skills and soft skills, you can check out my resume & details and initiate job talk with me here!
On to the rest of the news. If you’ve seen me speak lately I’ve mentioned the open source efforts we’ve had going on at Home Depot and related efforts I was working on. Some I’m working dilligently to release via the Home Depot OSS Organization on Github and I’ll still be releasing others soon via my Github account (@Adron) and blogging about it here on Composite Code.