This has been a ridiculously productive Monday. I’ve got a lot of communications kicked off and some continued on a number of key points of business. I’ve also been involved with editing, writing, and getting a number blog entries posted today besides this one.

Now I’m kicking back and chilling for a few on the couch and it was just time for some relaxing metal tunes. These are different then the ones I often post, which tend toward waking up and kicking off Monday with attitude. But before diving into the metal this grand Monday, let’s talk about a code challenge shall we?

Code challenge

Alright, imagine a recent problem where currying is in play. Then combine that with a problem with which you would use an anonymous function to solve a problem.

Now using one language, implement a sample of each in that one language and post a gist. Rewards this week are a Thrashing Code sticker plus one beverage of your choice. I’ll actually send you ONE beverage of your choice. Ok, I won’t sent you Glenmorangie Pride from 81, but something like a 6 pack of Black Boss Porter or your choice Viso if that’s your thing. It’s easy, take a stab at it!

Now for your listening pleasure, some grand, relaxing, chill evening metal.

…and I like to work in threes, so here’s that third gem…

Until next time, happy code thrashing!