Here’s what you’ll get on this email list.

You will not be spammed. These emails you receive will actually be directly from me about events that I am coordinating, assisting with, or supporting in some significant way. These are events that I think will be seriously fun, useful, and informative.

I will also send out a little bit of information about significant blog entries or article series that I might publish. The number of emails you will get likely will never exceed one email per week. It’s very possible that the emails probably will only go out about once or twice a month even.

I won’t be including a bunch of fancy images or advertisements or junk. This will be a technology and software related email list.

But seriously, that’s about it. It’s gonna be minimal, hopefully concise, and to the point, because that’s how I operate. So cheers, and I hope you enjoy the newsletter. Cheers!


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Sample Email List Content

  • If I’ve published anything of note on my blog, I’ll write a quick summary to send out to everyone every week or two, but likely it’ll be maybe once a month.
  • Learn about conferences I’ve helped organize and founded in the past, like Node PDX and .NET Fringe., except I’ll of course be posting about conferences coming up.
  • I’ll send out information when I’m heading out somewhere to come and speak, present, lecture, or teach workshops. Such as I recently did at Node Summit 2015 or where I will be speaking in the future.
  • I’ll send out information about any other conferences that I’m interested in and would like to hang out and meet with people from twitter or other non-real life places in real life places.
  • Anytime there is a convergence of rock n’ roll, metal, cycling and technology I’ll probably send out information about that too: because awesome, but it’ll be minimal.