Building Immutably Continuous Delivery with Minimal Inputs in London

on October 19-21, 2016

This workshop focuses on building a continuously delivered pipeline using Node.js (however easily transferable to Ruby/Rails/Java/Scala/.NET etc.). The workshop will trace the steps from inception to deployed application (with a domain pointed appropriately and all) that can then be developed against to continue whatever effort and intent of the developer(s)!

  • Learn about key parts: Application, Domain Name, Infrastructure, Integration, & Delivery
  • Build an Application: Steps for building & actually building a simple Node.js Application to deploy.
  • Getting a domain name, determining name servers & DNS servers, setting it up and getting it pointed at our application.
  • Setting up and determining the deployment scenario on AWS & discussion of other infrastructure choices.
  • Deploying the application through the complete process of code, integrate, test, build, deploy.

The code used as demo during the workshop is located here >

The Workshop is broken into two sections. The slide deck for the first section is below.

The following are the slides for the second session of the 2 parts of the workshop.

O’Reilly Site Post for the Workshop: